Sequential Art

“Devil’s Night”

This is an example of what the final pages will look like for this in-progress project. This short excerpt is towards the climax of the story.

[*All of the Spanish spoken in this story was based on a Dominican dialect, so the translations you see below the pages are written in that cultural context (with help from my lovely bilingual Dominican friends).]


(Left Page)

[“¡Coño!” - in this context, equivalent to “fuck!” or “shit!”]


(Right Page)

[“¡Malditos cobardes!” - damn cowards]
¡Suelta me!” - “Let go!“ or “Let go of me!”]


(Left Page)


(Right Page)


(Left Page)

Process work for the final pages

All of the sketches were done digitally, the final linework was done traditionally with ink which was converted to a digital file, and the color and hand written text were both added digitally after.

 “Serafina and the Black Cloak”

A one-page comic based on an excerpt from the novel by Robert Beatty.



